
To keep our services affordable and accessible, TREE House only charges clients a fraction of the actual cost of services. As such, we depend heavily on the generous support of individuals, organizations, business, and foundations to fulfill our mission. TREE House is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation.


  • Make a monetary donation online. Don’t forget that tribute or memorial gifts are a great way to honor friends, coworkers, and loved ones!
  • Join our Hay for a Day Club. $40 provides hay for one day for our amazing herd of therapy horses. You can make a one-time gift or give $10, $25, $40, or $100 a month.  Click here to join today!
  • Donate an item off our Wish List or make an in-kind donation.
  • Include TREE House of Greater St. Louis in your daily shopping with Schnuck’s Gives Back.
  • Sponsor and/or attend one of our special events, such as Derby Day, Horse Show, or Horse-A-Thon.
  • Include TREE House of Greater St. Louis in your estate planning.

Please email [email protected] to discuss tailoring opportunities to meet your personal and/or business needs.  Together, we can continue to make a profound difference in the lives of hundreds of local children, adults, and veterans with disabilities and their families each year!