Magi Sontag, OT

Magi Sontag, OT

Magi has always been passionate about animal-assisted therapy, taking every opportunity she could to volunteer or incorporate her therapy dog into her educational experience, which led her to TREE House. While completing her doctorate in occupational therapy, Magi chose TREE House for her capstone project site.

While at TREE House, she cherished every moment connecting with clients, volunteers, and staff – and also loved the unique setting and benefits that TREE House provides clients through interactions with horses.

In May 2023, she graduated with a doctorate in occupational therapy. Prior to pursuing her degree, she volunteered at HETRA, a therapy barn, which ignited her path towards becoming an occupational therapist.

When not at work, Magi enjoys quality time with friends and family, traveling, horseback riding, and hiking with her dogs.
636.332.4940 ext. 236